Emily Marie Schroeder

No Hay Dos Glorias: Botanical Watercolors from Mexico and Wisconsin

August - December 2023 at Goodman South Library

In this series, I showcase the beauty of plants from both Mexico and the Midwest. In 2017, I moved to Guadalajara, Mexico, to teach as an elementary school teacher. After 4 years of teaching first grade, my husband and I decided to move back to Madison, WI. Our move was motivated by the prospect of a better job for my husband and being closer to my family. Soon after moving, we felt an intense longing for our life back in Mexico: the food, the beaches, the weather, the social life.

As my father-in-law says, "No hay dos glorias." There are no two glories. This phrase speaks to the fact that life is full of concessions and compromises. During our time living in Mexico, we missed camping in Wisconsin state parks, hiking through fern covered forests, and tasting a freshly picked apple in the fall. And now, while living in Wisconsin, we miss watching the palm trees sway in a coastal breeze, eating fresh mango, and seeing row after row of agave as we drive through the countryside.

This collection of botanical watercolors showcases the 'glorias' of both countries and the reason why we will always call both Mexico and Wisconsin home. —Emily Marie Schroeder

En Español:

En esta colección de acuarelas, hago muestra de la belleza de plantas de México y del medio oeste de los EEUU. En 2017, me mudé a Guadalajara, México, para trabajar como maestra de primaria. Después de 4 años enseñando primer grado de primaria, mi esposo y yo decidimos regresar a Madison, WI. La motivación de nuestra mudanza fue por un mejor trabajo para mi esposo y por estar más cerca de mi familia. Muy pronto después de mudarnos acá, sentimos un anhelo por nuestra vida en México: por la comida, las playas, el clima, y nuestra vida social.

Como dice mi suegro, “No hay dos glorias.” En la vida se obtienen ganancias pero también concesiones. Durante el tiempo que vivimos en México, extrañamos los parques estatales de Wisconsin. Extrañamos los paseos caminando en los bosques cubiertos con helechos. Extrañamos el sabor de una manzana recién recogida en otoño. Y ahora que vivimos en Wisconsin, extrañamos las palmeras de México y los mangos sabrosos y frescos. Extrañamos ver las filas eternas de agave cuando pasamos de pueblo en pueblo.

Esta colección de acuarelas botánicas muestra las dos glorias de los dos países y demuestra porque mi esposo y yo siempre encontraremos un hogar tanto en México como en Wisconsin. —Emily Marie Schroeder


A former MMSD elementary school teacher, Emily started painting mid-pandemic as a way to destress after a long day in the classroom. Since then, she has turned her love for watercolors into a career. Emily finds inspiration from her time living in Guadalajara, Mexico as well as her childhood in Wisconsin. In addition to botanical watercolors, she also enjoys painting pet portraits. As a current resident of Madison, Wisconsin, she teaches watercolor classes and workshops throughout Dane County.

Most recently, she is creating watercolor kits so that everyone has access to the magic of watercolors from the comfort of their own home. Emily continues to give back to her community by donating a portion of the proceeds of her “Paint Your Pet” nights to local pet rescues as well as donating watercolor kits to local chemotherapy centers.



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Nan Zimdars


Alicia Rheal